Municipal Bond Forum

FMSbonds, Inc.’s Municipal Bond Forum is an exclusive opportunity for investors to submit questions and comments on the bond market or to respond to one of our articles.

To participate, just send us an e-mail. Be sure to include your name or initials and your state of residence. Posted e-mails may be edited for length and clarity. If you prefer a private response, please note that in your e-mail. Responses are provided by James A. Klotz, president and co-founder of FMSbonds, Inc., a municipal bond specialist for more than 35 years, and other members of the firm as noted.

Postings are listed by date. If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.

One-hit wonder?

Meredith Whitney, the banking analyst who is predicting massive defaults, is like Nouriel Roubini (the economics professor): She got one call right — just one — and now she thinks she’s a genius and an expert on everything. She’s better than Roubini, but that’s like saying the 1963 Mets were better than the 1962 Mets.

I.F., New Jersey

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Most viable revenue streams

Remind me again, what are the most viable revenue streams I should be looking for to support my municipal bonds these days?

G.V., South Carolina

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Mom can relax

My 88-year-old mother has more than  90% of her assets in muni bonds of various states. The issues are laddered over the next 17 years and all are investment grade, with most rated “A” or higher. They are revenue (mostly) and General Obligation (GO) bonds. Mom is very worried over reports flooding the media quoting Meredith Whitney and her predictions on muni defaults. Her portfolio of munis is seven figures and provides for most of her annual expenses. I manage mom’s portfolio and want to do the right thing for her. What should I do?

M.K., Arizona

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Pundits make hay, but little sense, of muni finances

Although The New York Times may not be a great financial reporting organization, their recent article says municipalities are having great difficulty, all of which is not news. They view this as trouble ahead. Any comment?

M.K., New York

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Dire muni market predictions not supported

I have about $200,000 invested in several municipal bonds with Wells Fargo Advisors. On “60 Minutes” Sunday, they said there is a growing problem in the muni market, with several states not being able to fulfill their obligations. A major problem was predicted in this market within the next 12 months. What do you think? Should I divest my holdings?


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Disclosure of ‘material events’ improving

Please address the issue, recently described in The Wall Street Journal, that the bond rating agencies rely on state and local governments to provide updated financial information and that, in most cases, the agencies are basing their evaluations on information that is out of date.

G.S., Florida

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Insight appreciated

Your article on the value of munis right now is on the money and you bring the hay to the barn before it gets wet. Love your insight.

G.P., Wisconsin

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California expected to honor its debt obligations

I live in California and all of my investments, $400,000, are in long-term California muni bonds for income and easy transfer to my daughter. I’m concerned that all of my eggs are in the basket of California. Should I spread my bond purchases into other states in case California runs into financial difficulties?

C.K. California


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