Why are some tax-free municipal bonds subjected to the Alternate Minimum Tax? Shouldn’t they all be tax free?
E.K., Florida
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Why are some tax-free municipal bonds subjected to the Alternate Minimum Tax? Shouldn’t they all be tax free?
E.K., Florida
Your argument against laddering works well in large part because of the environment we have been in (sharply declining rates since 1982). In a bear market for bonds, or in an environment where rates stay relatively flat, it is not nearly as compelling. I suspect the multi-generational bull market in bonds we have had is about over, so a more defensive stance may have more merit going forward.
P.V., Oregon
I don’t remember reading anything as cogent and as interesting as your Investor Bond Forum. On a separate matter, does North Carolina tax bonds from other states?
J.V., North Carolina
Please explain why one would pay 102 for a bond that is callable in one month at 100? I requested from you bonds in the two to 10-year range, A-rated or above and no “AMT” features. This hardly fits the bill.
Are there any advantages to buying floater muni bonds? What is the best way to analyze floaters?
I assume that the article intends to make people feel good about buying GM bonds, but I find it misleading. You left out unfavorable facts that have appeared in the press and are well documented.
W.A., Florida
Do you see a difference between GM and Ford bonds in terms of company viability?
M.M., New Hampshire
If I live in North Carolina but want to buy a tobacco bond in New Jersey, will my bond still be tax-free in North Carolina?
C., North Carolina
Do you have specific criteria for bonds you’re looking for? Let us know and we’ll e-mail you bonds that fit your needs. There is no charge for this service.