Messages From the Muni Market

Klotz on Bonds

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<h3>James A. Klotz</h3>

James A. Klotz

You may have heard a recession is just around the corner. Or the economy will soften a bit – though not crash – and continue to grow.

Like everyone else, we can’t predict the future. But as longtime municipal bond specialists, we know what the market is telling us.

Bond issuance is down

Since the beginning of the year, municipal bond issuance has dropped more than 25% compared with last year and is lower than the 10-year first-quarter average.

Key to the decline is fewer advance refunding bonds, which fell off by 45% year-over-year. Advance refunding bonds enable issuers to replace older, higher-interest rate bonds with newer bonds at lower rates. In the current environment, where borrowing costs have increased, issuers have less opportunity to refund.

Messages from the muni market

Flight to safety

We also know muni yields are the highest in years. Depending on their tax bracket, investors can secure long-term taxable-equivalent yields of more than 6.00% in highly rated municipal bonds.

It’s why voices extolling the virtues of municipal bonds are getting louder as fears of a recession mount.

State and local governments look fiscally solid. Federal aid amid the pandemic, resilient growth and better-than-expected revenues have enabled states to replenish their rainy-day funds, solidify their financial footing and plan ahead for possible shortfalls (see “Strong States Behind the Municipal Bond Market”).

Everyone knows municipal bonds support the essentials, like water and sewer services and garbage collection. These are services citizens need regardless of how the economy is performing and is one reason municipal bond defaults are exceedingly rare.

An opportunity for capital gains

We also see – without having to tease out the future from conflicting information – an inverted yield curve, where shorter-term Treasury yields are higher than long-term yields. This is the predictable result of the Fed aggressively raising interest rates to try to tame inflation.

Speak to a Muni Pro

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    We know that for decades, a recession usually follows this phenomenon.

    Ultimately, a weakening economy brings down longer-term rates, which are the focus of municipal bond investors, and this is precisely what’s happening. While still highly attractive, muni yields are easing as the economy slows.

    This, in turn, provides investors a unique opportunity. Although they buy munis for the tax-free income, the current environment enables investors to take advantage of the appreciation of their bonds.

    That’s what we know.

    Investors still have to do their homework. That’s always true. Aim for quality first, then yield.

    Importantly, ignore the forecasters discussing headwinds and tailwinds, and hard and soft landings. Investors don’t need prognostications to capitalize on the facts we know and maintain their dependable stream of tax-free income.

    James A. Klotz


    James A. Klotz is the President of FMSbonds, Inc.
    Email the Author

    Apr 20, 2023

    Please note that all investing entails risk. Fixed income securities are subject to risks that will affect their value prior to maturity. Some of these risks can be related to changes in market conditions, issuer creditworthiness, and interest rates. This commentary is not a recommendation to buy or sell a specific security. All references to tax-free income refer to U.S. federal income tax. Income earned by certain investors may be subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), and or taxation by state and local authorities. Please consult with your tax professional prior to investing. For more information on these topics please click on the “Bond Basics” link below or search by keyword at the top of this page.