When the Fed raised interest rates last year, we cautioned municipal bond investors it wasn’t what it seemed. We knew many investors, trying to time the...
Muni Bonds News and Perspectives
Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.
Seek Out The Misunderstood Premium Bonds
In a market saturated with bonds selling above par, it’s surprising so many investors are unaware that premium bonds provide the best value in today’s...
Finding Bonds When The Muni Supply is Tight
A tighter muni supply doesn’t mean investors can’t find the bonds they want. In fact, supply might not be an issue at all. More demand, fewer issues fuel...
Munis’ Looking-Glass Moment
During the Great Recession, futurists struck fear among some municipal bond investors by warning of dire financial obligations facing state and local...
Municipal Bonds as Trade War Safe Haven?
Amid the trade tensions hammering stocks, analysts see a flip side -- a trade war safe haven, if you will: The municipal bond market. It wouldn’t be the first...
Interest Rate Reality
A funny thing is happening to interest rates. While the majority of economists and Wall Street pundits have relentlessly trumpeted their predictions of a...
Better News Ahead For Tobacco Bonds?
Tobacco bonds, buffeted by the sagging fortunes of the companies that back them, could receive a boost after regulators approved a new smokeless device...
Powell And Munis
When he’s not steering monetary policy for the largest economy on Earth, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell likes tax free income for his own portfolio....
Getting More Done With Private Activity Bonds
A bipartisan group of senators introduced a bill that would authorize $5 billion in private activity bonds to rebuild schools, fire stations, courthouses, and...
Why Interest Rate Forecasts Are Wrong
Suppose you watched the TV weather forecast last night and were asked whether it would rain next year. Would you know what to say? We wouldn’t either. But...
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