When the Fed meets next month, will it deliver to muni investors sitting on the sidelines the long-awaited green light that it’s time to jump back into the...
Muni Bonds News and Perspectives
Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.
Mayors, Senate Championing Municipal Bond Exemption
When a century-old tool that funds roads, schools and hospitals is under assault, expect pushback. That’s the message being sent by an uncommonly wide group...
Muni Investing Success Doesn’t Require a Ph.D.
Should you ditch your munis? That was an idea floated in a recent article regarding the state of the municipal bond market. The article discussed upcoming...
A Different Outcome For Puerto Rico Muni Debt?
The oversight panel charged with helping lift Puerto Rico out of its fiscal morass looks to be more pragmatic than political, analysts say, which may help...
Surge in New Muni Bonds is Funding City, State Improvements
A spate of municipal bond issuance this year is fueling a wide range of infrastructure projects across the country. Analysts say as much as $400 billion in...
Too Many Potholes Filled? Blame The Muni Exemption
Roads are crumbling, airports are dilapidated, mass transit is lacking – and there’s a risk of over-investing in infrastructure? So says a think tank. As you...
Finding the Meaning in Muni Performance
Too often, the essentials of muni investing are lost in the chatter. Take, for example, “performance.” June was a banner month for munis, returning 1.6%, the...
Next Move On Puerto Rico Muni Debt: Oversight Board
With a new law in place designed to help Puerto Rico regain its financial footing, the next important move bond investors will be watching for is the...
Mythologizing Today’s Muni Yields
It’s a question we hear every so often, usually by an investor new to the municipal bond market: “With yields so low, why would anyone buy munis?” For...
Committee Approves Oversight Board For Puerto Rico Muni Debt
After months of debate, a House committee agreed on a plan to create a seven-member board that would oversee Puerto Rico’s finances and manage its debt...
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