Puerto Rico officials are appealing a judge’s ruling that struck down a new law allowing the commonwealth’s public corporations to restructure their debt. The...
Muni Bonds News and Perspectives
Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.
The Best Play for Today
Where is the value in today’s municipal bond market? As long-term par bonds dip under 4.00% and Treasury yields hover near all-time lows, it’s a question we...
Know Your Expert
Almost four years ago to the day, Meredith Whitney made a breathtaking call that helped roil the muni market and destroy an enormous amount of investor value....
Muni Supply To Remain Tight In 2015
Municipal bond investors who parked their funds in money markets awaiting a flood of new issues and soaring interest rates will be disappointed once again...
Why Muni Insurance is Making a Comeback
Is bond insurance worth it? Fair question. After insurers were rocked by bad bets on risky debt back in 2008, incredulous investors questioned the value of...
The No. 1 Sin of Muni Investing
When you think about it, it’s staggering. For at least a decade, billions of investable dollars have languished in tax-free money market funds earning next to...
End Of The ‘Bull’?
If the 30-year bull market in bonds is over, someone forgot to tell foreign investors. They’re piling into munis like never before. According to Federal...
Push Is On To Include Munis In New Banking Rule
As federal regulators consider allowing banks to hold municipal bonds as part of the new liquidity rule, we urge them to understand the potential consequences...
Agreement Helps Buoy Puerto Rico Bonds
Buoyed by an agreement to extend the credit for Puerto Rico’s power authority, the commonwealth’s general obligation bonds are on the upswing. GO bonds,...
Fewer New Munis
For muni investors frozen on the sidelines waiting for a spike in yields, it appears that day is not close at hand. Municipal bond issuance has hit a 13-year...
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