Muni Bonds News and Perspectives

Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.

If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.

Heavy Demand for New Puerto Rico Bonds

Puerto Rico’s $3.5 billion bond sale, a key part of the Commonwealth’s plan to improve its fiscal position, was met with exceptionally strong demand by...

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Attention Tax-Ladened Investors

Have you slogged through your taxes yet? If so, you understand just how dramatically the landscape has changed. If not, brace yourself: taxes went up, mostly...

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Why the Muni Story Changed

Pity the poor financial writers who cover the bond markets. For years they have proclaimed a “rising interest rate environment” and sounded the death knell of...

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Truth in Numbers

“Investors,” The Wall Street Journal headline reads, “are hungry for U.S. corporate bonds.” The economy seems to be growing, albeit slowly, and the premium...

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Avoiding Interest Rate Roulette

A rejuvenated economy, induced by the Fed’s bond-buying binge, will ignite inflation and spark a rise in interest rates. Sound familiar? It’s a refrain we’ve...

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Clouds Darkening for Tobacco Bonds

Sin taxes are up, e-cigarettes are taking off and yields on tobacco bonds are rising. For investors who haven’t already exchanged their tobacco bonds, we...

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Herd Mentality Yields Unique Value

Everyone knows that fiscal conditions and media mania have put Puerto Rico muni bonds under extreme selling pressure lately. As is usually the case,...

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