Have you heard the clucking? It’s the sound of Chicken Little returning to the municipal bond market. In 2008, he paid a visit during the mortgage crisis. At...
Muni Bonds News and Perspectives
Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.
Exemption Defenders Unite
Defending the muni-tax exemption – and the fiscal health of state and local governments – seems to be bridging Washington’s great divide. In an unusual...
New Life for National
The storm clouds have finally lifted for holders of bonds insured by National Public Finance Guaranty Corporation (NPFG). On Wednesday, May 8th, Standard...
When Flexibility Counts
Were you among the muni investors in the 1970s and ‘80s who found themselves with bonds paying 4.00% or even 6.00% that were suddenly trading at 50 cents on...
Blurring the Line
Over the years, CNBC has served investors well by providing timely and accurate business news. But when the network blurs the line between hard news and...
Thanks, Meredith
What have we learned from Meredith Whitney? It’s been a little more than two years since her infamous predictions of massive muni defaults helped send the...
Back to Boring
It barely registers on the radar of financial chat shows, a blip amid the fantastic prognostications of pundits. If you look carefully, however, you’ll find...
A Passing Cloud in Otherwise Clearing Skies for National
Standard & Poor’s recently downgraded National Public Finance Guarantee, but a view beyond the setback shows a company poised to reestablish itself as a...
Rotation or Repetition?
Another bold market prediction is providing grist for the headline mill. This latest high-profile prognostication calls for “The Great Rotation” of investment...
California’s Finances Riding a Wave
If California’s finances seem to rise and fall like its world-famous surf, we’re approaching a swell in the Golden State. Standard & Poor’s has upgraded...
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