The decision by Stockton, California to file for bankruptcy under Chapter 9 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code is not expected to affect most of the city’s...
Muni Bonds News and Perspectives
Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.
Munis to play Catch up
Although municipal bonds have been in rally mode along with other fixed income investments, some high profile market participants think there may be plenty...
Where the Action is
You’d expect the sidelines to be crowded now with investors still holding back, waiting for municipal bond yields to turn higher before committing investable...
A Cautionary Tale
If you ever wondered why municipal bankruptcies are so rare, you needn’t look further than Jefferson County, Alabama. Fallout from the county’s bankruptcy...
The Mets, The Pundits and The Old ‘Perfessor’
The “Amazin’s.” For those not old enough to remember, this was the title bestowed upon the original New York Mets baseball team by its first manager, the...
The Upside of Lower Rates
Lower interest rates are generally seen as a boon to municipal bond issuers and a bane to investors. But for holders of individual munis, the current...
Moody’s: Muni Default Rate to Remain Low
How rare are defaults in the municipal bond market? During the most recent period, 2010-2011, there were only 11 defaults out of the 17,700 bond issues...
Don’t Try This at Home
A number of financial Web sites are posting excerpts from Morgan Stanley Smith Barney’s Global Investment Committee Report for February. The municipal bond...
Debt Should Be Paid on Dissolved California Agencies
Despite the ax falling recently on California's 400 redevelopment agencies, officials paved the way for the groups to wind down their business and we expect...
Off the Table, or Not?
Does the White House want to limit the tax benefits of municipal bonds? It’s hard to tell. In a story Monday, The Bond Buyer, quoting unnamed "senior White...
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