When thinking of “credit enhancement,” most investors think of bond insurance. But there is another tool used by local governments and school districts that...
Muni Bonds News and Perspectives
Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.
Man Bites Dog, Almost
It wasn’t exactly a “man-bites-dog” story, but a recent article in USA Today will surely catch many investors by surprise. Over the past 30 years, bonds have...
A Disappointing Year for Doomsayers
When Jefferson County, Alabama declared bankruptcy, the bashers had a ball. Soothsayers, whose earlier predictions of a widespread muni market collapse didn't...
S&P Reviews Bond Insurers
The municipal bond insurance industry appears to be regaining some of its financial credibility, as reflected in recent rating actions by Standard &...
Big Move From a Small State
Bold action to tackle a significant shortfall in its pension liabilities could make Rhode Island a model for fiscal reform across the country. Under a bill...
Muni Misconceptions: Tuning out the noise
"Interest rates have nowhere to go but up." "Muni bond portfolios need to be laddered.” "Investors need a professional to actively manage their muni...
Is There Less Than Meets the Eye in Harrisburg?
A small city unable to pay off a jumbo-sized debt hasn't shaken the muni market. Despite eye-catching headlines recently over Harrisburg, PA's bankruptcy...
States See Bump in Revenue, Drop in Borrowing Costs
For the first time in 15 years, states are seeing a sustained period of increased revenues and lower borrowing costs, a combination that is helping to bolster...
Reprieve for D.C. Muni Investors
The political hijinks over taxing Washington, D.C. residents on out-of-state municipal bonds took a strange and final turn this week. By a 7-6 vote, the D.C....
Jobs Bill Misfires in Attack on Muni Bonds
Deep within the Obama Administration's plan to create jobs is an idea that won't. In fact, it would likely cost jobs, raise the borrowing costs for...
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