Muni Bonds News and Perspectives

Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.

If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.

Time Flew, But Interest Rates Didn’t

A lot has changed in 10 years, but for municipal bond investors who eschewed sitting on the sidelines waiting for interest rates to rise, it's been a fruitful...

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D.C. Mayor Reverses the Reversal

The one-year reprieve for Washington, D.C. muni bondholders is in jeopardy again. With just hours to go before the D.C. Council’s summer recess, Mayor Vincent...

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Lincoln was Right

Invariably, it is the market that determines the value of a security, not a rating agency. That was made clear today as Treasury bond prices soared and yields...

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Muni Market Shows Pop in Second Quarter

The muni bond market had its strongest quarter in almost two years. Municipal bonds gained 4.45% in the second quarter, the strongest performance for munis...

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And the World Didn’t End, Either

About the time the world was supposed to end, the municipal bond market was supposed to collapse. At least those were the predictions of some self-styled...

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