Standard & Poor’s overturned years of conventional wisdom and now says that sound management, a good financial position and other factors are more...
Muni Bonds News and Perspectives
Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.
How to Be Your Own Muni Expert
We were pleased to be invited to a compliance seminar held for various brokerage firm CEOs, hosted by Rick Ketchum, the new chairman and chief executive...
The Muni Market: Where We Really Are Now
It is understandable that municipal bond investors become concerned when they read about California's budget troubles, or find their insured bonds are no...
Washington Stimulating the Muni Market, Too
If you have noticed the recent improvement of market values in your tax-free bond portfolio, you can at least partly thank Washington. Current federal...
Bond Payments a Priority in California’s Balancing Act
They cut spending, increased revenues and enacted one-time budget tricks to get California’s budget back in balance, but one thing remained sacrosanct during...
‘Nightly Business Report’ asks FMSbonds
Why are investors pouring $1 billion a week into muni bonds? PBS'"Nightly Business Report" visited FMSbonds to discuss the reasons behind the surge and...
California Struggles But Holds On
Paying debt service continues to remain a key priority for the State of California as its financial profile continues to erode. With the State entering what...
Assured Guaranty Closes Deal To Buy FSA
Assured Guaranty, one of the few bond insurers still active in the municipal bond industry, has completed its acquisition of former rival, Financial Security...
Look Who’s Buying Muni Bonds
Warren Buffett shocked municipal bond investors early this year when he was quoted in Berkshire Hathaway’s annual report as saying that, under dire...
Finding the Right Bonds for You
In these challenging economic times, many investors want to know: What guidelines can be employed in selecting muni bonds that will help ensure a safe, steady...
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