Ambac’s recent announcement that it plans to raise $1.5 billion in new capital received mixed reviews from the three major rating agencies. S&P, Moody’s...
Muni Bonds News and Perspectives
Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.
What’s Up With My Market Values?
In response to the blizzard of e-mails and phone calls asking the question, “What’s up with my market values?” we will attempt a simple explanation of the...
ACA Staggers, But Underlying Credits OK
American Capital Access (ACA), which saw its Standard & Poor’s rating drop from “A” to “CCC” last week, has indicated in an SEC filing that it remains in...
S&P Affirms Radians AA Rating
Bondholders received positive news when Standard & Poor’s reaffirmed Radian Asset Assurance’s “AA” financial strength rating, with a Stable Outlook. The...
ACA Downgrade Does Not Impair Issuers’ Ability To Pay
Standard & Poor’s took several rating actions today affecting five of the major bond insurers. Deteriorating performance of subprime mortgage loans caused...
Don’t Lose Sleep Over Bond Insurers’ Woes
Bond insurers have been in the news lately as their forays in the subprime quagmire have come to light. Naturally, this has caught the attention of muni...
Justices Seem to Lean Toward Kentucky in Davis Case
Supreme Court justices seemed skeptical over a couple’s claim that Kentucky violates the Constitution by taxing out-of-state bonds while exempting interest...
Mother of All Tax Bills Would Eliminate AMT
A proposal to relieve more than 20 million Americans of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) for 2007 will be introduced next week as part of a package to...
Plaintiffs in Davis Case: Market will be Fine if Ruling Stands
The doom and gloom picture state officials paint in their arguments against forcing states to treat in-state and out-of-state muni bond the same way are...
AMT Bonds are on Sale Investor Strategy
Are you subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)? If not, there are exceptional opportunities available right now. The number of taxpayers subject to the...
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