Fitch Ratings likes what it sees in tobacco bonds. The ratings agency put all of the tobacco bonds it rates on “ratings watch positive,” indicating that it’s...
Muni Bonds News and Perspectives
Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.
Moody’s Says Bond Insurers Can Withstand Subprime Risks
Bond insurers can easily handle the fallout from exposure in subprime Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS), a new report by Moody’s said. An earlier...
S&P Turns Positive on GM After Labor Accord
Standard & Poor’s, which has long been a critic of General Motors, is impressed with the automaker’s labor accord and may boost its credit rating. S&P...
Individuals Add to Their Muni Holdings
Individual investors liked what they saw in the municipal bond market in the second quarter, increasing their holdings of individual bonds to almost $918...
Strength of Prepaid Gas Bonds Fuels Investor Demand
Tax-free bonds that help municipalities control their long-term natural gas costs are gaining popularity among investors for their strong protections and high...
High-Stakes Hearings Begin on AMT Reform
The House Ways and Means Committee began hearings on reforming the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). Although the committee chairman said he’s looking for a...
The Tobacco Case that Wouldn’t Go Away Finally Does
The class-action lawsuit accusing Philip Morris USA, Inc. of fraud in its marketing of “light” cigarettes has finally been dismissed, ending a lengthy legal...
Presidential Hopefuls Agree on Munis
Municipal bonds enjoy support among presidential candidates from both sides of the aisle. Republicans Rudy Giuliani and John McCain, along with Democrats John...
Calamity or Correction? The Reality Behind the Bond Market Shakeup
What a difference a few weeks make! Only a short time ago, volatility was largely absent from the financial markets. Stocks seemed to be reaching new highs...
Moody’s Rewards New York City’s Fiscal Comeback
Moody’s Investor’s Service has raised New York City’s general obligation bond rating to “Aa3,” joining Standard & Poor’s and Fitch, which also rate the...
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