Muni Bonds News and Perspectives

Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.

If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.

Largest Municipal Bond Insurer Upgraded

Largest Municipal Bond Insurer Upgraded

Moody’s Investors Service upgraded its rating of the largest U.S. municipal bond insurer, Assured Guaranty. Moody’s attributed the upgrade, from A2 to A1, to...

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States’ Revenues on Upswing

States’ Revenues on Upswing

More than two years after the pandemic began and state governments were hit with fiscal challenges, revenue for most states has bounced back and is strong,...

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A Closer Look at a Dubious Assumption

A Closer Look at a Dubious Assumption

It’ll be no surprise when the Federal Reserve Board raises short-term interest rates over the next few months, but the fallout may shock some people. For as...

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Amid Turbulence, Muni Bonds Remain Steady

Amid Turbulence, Muni Bonds Remain Steady

If you’re looking for drama in the municipal bond market, a report by Moody’s indicates you’ll have to look elsewhere. Muni bonds remain steady. According to...

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